Italian Wine Shop
The market sector in which the Giori company is located with its products is characterized by rapidly changing fashions. With flexibility and dynamism, Giori has confirmed its characteristic of being a modern company that stands by the consumer.
Giori is present on the market today with the following 3 divisions: GIORI Distillati Trentini (Grappa and Liqueur), GIORI Import Export, GIOICE (products for pastry shops and ice cream parlors). These 3 areas are organized with separate sales professionals to allow constant market penetration in Italy and abroad. Founded in 1946 by Ferruccio Giori, today the Giori company is one of the leading companies in the grappa and liqueur sector. Giori has been able to constantly grow and renew itself over the years. To adapt to the demands of the times without losing the strong connection to the values of the ancient tradition that it has held from the beginning, such as passion, intuition, authenticity and experience.
8 products