Italian Wine Shop
Masataka Taketsuru "The Visionary" was born in 1894 to an ancient family of sake producers, Masataka Taketsuru is considered the father of Japanese whisky. After studying chemical studies, he found work in a company in Osaka, Settsu Shuzo, which pursued the dream of making a Japanese whiskey. 1919 is then sent to Scotland to acquire the technical baggage; Here he is passionate about the world of distillates and dreams of creating his own distillery. At home, he was employed by the Kotobukiya group, who directs him to build a distillery near Kyoto; In 1924 he became the father of the first Japanese whisky. In 1934 he created the NIPPO Kaju company and built the Yoichi distillery on the island of Hokkaido. In the middle of the war, in October 1940, light sees the first bottle. In 1952 the company took the final name Nikka Whisky. The success is such that the installation of a second distillery, 1969, on the island of Honsu. Yoichi distillery is located 50km west of Sapporo on Hokkaido island, Miyagikyo is on Honshu island west of Sendai city.
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